Meaning: Somebody that lives off or feeds off friends.
Pronounciation: yaarr-nee-vore
Usage: In my short lifetime, I've seen quite a few yaarnivores.Infact, I see one everyday in the mirror!
Root: Yaar(hindi for buddy) + Carnivore
Also: Barnivore - Someone who doesn't drink and yet goes to the bar to feed off the sidedishes that other drinkers order.Hehehe...I am one too!:D
Pronounciation: yaarr-nee-vore
Usage: In my short lifetime, I've seen quite a few yaarnivores.Infact, I see one everyday in the mirror!
Root: Yaar(hindi for buddy) + Carnivore
Also: Barnivore - Someone who doesn't drink and yet goes to the bar to feed off the sidedishes that other drinkers order.Hehehe...I am one too!:D